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Hi, I am looking for a private post. Could anyone tell me how many words their 1…

Hi, I am looking for a private post. Could anyone tell me how many words their 16 month old can say, my daughter can communicate, and let’s you know exactly what she wants but can only say “daddy” and “mum” she babbles a lot and had said a “duck” once and “ball” on a couple of occasions but that is all, I looked online and it says that a child that age should be able to say at least 7 words, is this right and should this be something I should be concerned about? First time mum, thanks x


10 thoughts on “Hi, I am looking for a private post. Could anyone tell me how many words their 1…

  • I’m concerned too my baby girl will be two in February she doesn’t say many words only a few and randomly comes out with words sometimes she says the basics but babbles a lot I think they just need time and patience my little one also says some words that sound like she has a lisp I think it’s just a big learning progress that takes it time don’t stress too much I try to do lots of fun activities like count to ten and sing nursery rhymes she’s slowly getting there just be patient it’s nothing to worry about some kids are more advanced some take their time I think we expect a lot most of the time don’t stress yourself too much! Xxxx

  • All children are different & develop at different rates…I hate it when you read by such & such age they should be doing this & that…they are all individuals…My 14 year old didn’t walk until he was 2 but he’s a very bright young man…I wouldn’t worry to much xx

  • Don’t be worried. Each child is different and does things in his/her own time. My son is 2 1/2 and has only really just started talking properly and there’s still loads he can’t say. Health visitor said he was doing well though so I’m not worried x

  • All children are different I have a 21 month granddaughter and she is a really good talker and I also have a 27 months that only says a hand full of things,

  • My son says lots of words but would rather babble 😂 says mum, dad, nan, bang bang, die, hello, bye, oh shit, yes please, Yeah, no, cat, dog, numnums(means he’s hungry), whose that, what’s this, brumbrum(car noise), can also tell you what noise animals make. He’s 17 months x

  • Car all gone daddy mumma boo po what’s that my dadughters just turned 1 and can say these but my son didn’t speak hardly any word until 2 and a half all children are different don’t worry too much x

  • I would not worry my niece would only say daddy mummy and this… until she went to school at 3 and now I can’t she don’t stop ! I was bit worried my sis wasn’t and she was right … I wouldn’t worry at all once at school you will see such a difference or wen she’s gone 3

  • if your worried its worth talking to your health visitor my daughter was exactly the same and 9 times out of 10 there is nothing wrong my daughter is two and a half and still isnt the best talker some days you cant understand her at all yet theres nothing wrong with her just slow at talking x

  • My little girl, barely spoke before she was 3. I wouldn’t worry. Do you have drop in sessions at your local children’s centre? They can be really useful for things like this. Xx

  • My sons 2 and says nothing not even Mum and dad, but can point to everything you ask him to in a book x


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