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Hi I was wondering if I could have a private post please. I’ll try my best to ke…

Hi I was wondering if I could have a private post please. I’ll try my best to keep this short. I met my ex partner over 7 years ago I fell pregnant quickly and we have a 6 yo boy. When my boy was 2 his dad left me for a girl he was working with. He left me completely broken but I begged him for months to get back with me as I still loved him and couldn’t get over him. I ended up having to be put on anti depressants and sleeping tablets,I was in a really bad place at the time but was trying to get myself better for my little boys sake. Eventually he started coming to my house for sex and I let it happen even though he was still with her as I was still holding on to hope that we would get back together. I fell pregnant and I wanted to keep the baby when I told him he made me feel like I couldn’t cope as i had bad pnd after my boy was born and a big chance it would come back again also my little boy barely slept for the first 2 years but i dealt with him on my own he never did 1 night feed or anything even though i was working as well. Hr told me that I would have to do it all on my own again as he had his new life now. I agreed to get a abortion but deep down I really didn’t want to but I know I only have my self to blame. I ended up messaging his new girl and told her about him sleeping with me and I enjoyed making her feel the way she made me feel. She finished with him and a few weeks later he was back with his tail between his legs I will admit I jumped at the chance as I somehow still deeply loved this guy. He ended up moving me and my little boy from Scotland to England as he got offered another job with more money so I agreed but mostly because I didn’t want him working with that girl anymore. I spent 2 years away from home and I hated every minute of it, I wanted so bad to come home to my family as I was really struggling, he started getting really controlling with my money that I worked for even though he makes over 70g a year and always away on business trips so I felt so lonely and depressed, i was miserable and wanted home but he kept manipulating me and telling me that we had a better life in England even though he could see that I was deeply unhappy and still trying to deal with everything that had happened as I couldn’t get the abortion out of my mind or the fact that he cheated on me. We ended up getting evicted from the house as the landlord wanted to sell up so I jumped at the chance to get back home even though he didn’t want us coming home as it would mean he would be working away during the week but I thought we could make it work and we had also agreed to get couples councilling as i was still struggeling with the past but how wrong was I? Within a week of being back home he had moved out without saying anything, blocked me and my family on social media so that was his way of finishing with me after all these years and everything we had been through.He eventually told me he didn’t want to be with me anymore, I was gutted and broken hearted again but accepted it as I know if he doesn’t love me then I can’t make him and also I need to keep my head together for my boy as he is 6 now and notices everything and don’t want him seeing me in a state. So for the first 2 weeks everything was fine I was getting on with life but he then phoned me to tell me that he’s back with that same fucking girl he cheated on me with previously. So I went mad at him and we have done nothing but argue since. He’s now saying he wants my little boy to meet this girl but I told him over my dead body does my son get to play happy families with them after what they have done I said he will never ever be allowed to meet her so he says he’s taking me to court but how can he take me to court if I’m not stopping him from seeing our boy just his new girlfriend. I do realise I sound bitter and angry and guess what I am really bitter and angry I honestly want to see their little fake world come crashing down on them. So what the heck do I do in this situation?


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