Hi there, Would you please be able to post for me? I have a 4 and a half month …
Hi there, Would you please be able to post for me?
I have a 4 and a half month old son and his sleeping pattern is getting worse the older he gets and not better.
At the moment he would be lucky to sleep any longer than 2 hours at a time through the night, And will only nap for 20 minutes through the days so I can’t catch up on any sleep while he is. š
We’re both so exhausted, I just dont know what else to do.
He has the same routine every night, Tea at 6 bath and 7 and bed by 8:30 but by 11 he’s back up, Not hungry or anything just wont sleep.. He wakes 6 times between 8:30 and 6am most days, But doesn’t want a bottle until the last time he wake but even thats rare he doesn’t normally have another bottle until around 8.
I dont know how to get him to sleep through the night, But I am so exhausted I need help…
What can I do to get him to sleep better? And yes, He is wrapped before bed.