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Hi this might seem silly to some but where or who do I talk to if I have concern…

Hi this might seem silly to some but where or who do I talk to if I have concerns about my child but it’s not stuff to waste a dr appointment please ?Just about his eating habits he’s 18 months but he won’t eat fruit or vegetables he will only eat the hipp toddler meals and his behaviour like when he gets told no if he wants something or touches things he’s not allowed he head butts the floor and walls just wondered if it’s normal he’s my first baby


8 thoughts on “Hi this might seem silly to some but where or who do I talk to if I have concern…

  • My daughter went through the head butting stage it quickly passes and she doesn’t eat much vegetables either just kept trying to be creative on the plate and eventually she ate some xx

  • Yeah my daughter was a head butter when she was younger head always covered in bruises! As for the veggies keep persisting it can take time for some children to start eating stuff like that and some are just fussy eaters forever as long as he’s healthy and not losing weight and your offering alternatives to try I wouldn’t worry yourself x

  • They normally have drop in clinics at Sure Start centres but check that a health visitor will be present before going as sometimes they aren’t there xxx

  • My son also went through the head butting stage.
    I just ignored it or put my hand between the wall and his head and looked away. Soon stopped x

  • Health visitor is the best one to talk to about this sort of stuff x


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