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Hi will u post for me please, How do other mummies deal with people that make …

Hi will u post for me please,

How do other mummies deal with people that make fun and nasty comments towards your baby/child? My daughter has a huge birth mark on top of her head and I always get people starring and talking about her so loud that I can hear them, I recently put a post on about my daughter been tested for Down syndrome well we had hospital yesterday and a little girl was there with her mum the girl was holding my daughters hand and talking to her (she’s 8 month) the girls mum asked why we was there so I told we are waiting for a test to check for Down syndrome and she immediately got her daughter and dragged her away to sit somewhere else and kept giving me dirty looks, this makes me so angry and upset I’ve never had to deal with issues like this before x


16 thoughts on “Hi will u post for me please, How do other mummies deal with people that make …

  • People should be ashamed of themselves for being like that. She is an 8month old who can’t even defend herself. You keep your head high and ignore small minded people! Whether your daughter has downs, any other disability she is still a human being and should be treat like one. Reading things like this make me mad! Why don’t people just ask instead of being bloody rude!!!! .

  • You are very lucky that you have never had to deal with this kind of behavior. Most of us deal with something or other that people say or do that isnt very nice. My advice is to give your girl more love then anything. When other mothers tell their kids “go away im busy” remember to give her a hug and tell her you love her always. So in your heart and in hers you will always know no matter what others say or do. You child is happy. You cant control other peoples voices. You can only change your reaction to them. Let it make you strong. It is Disgusting behavior. But you will show you baby that nobody can possibly have a more happier child then yours. And maybe that will give you the strength to smile at the ignorance of other. <3

  • My daughter is 5 and is a wheelchair user we get this I used to speak my mind when people look or stare wind and up now my daughter says hello thanks for looking st my wheels there cool aren’t and they stop it’s funny , sometime you got to be a little mean make people see it’s rude to do what there doing most people don’t really know a lot about disability mostly why they scare and there just pricks know what stick your finger up or smile and wave smile and wave hope your okay xx

  • They are small minded people keep reminding ureself of that she had the issue not her child.ure little one is special in her own little way.i know it hurts and isn’t nice but u need to rise above it or be like me I ask people what there problem is or what they are staring at my 2nd has bowel problems obv not visible but people can still be funny

  • seriously? did they think they were going to catch something? for some people ignorance is complete bliss. I would literally just ignore any one that is derogatory or behaves in a less than kind manner. sometimes people just don’t understand and it makes them behave in a less than dignified manner. literally people’s reactions towards any disability says so much more about them than it does you or your child!!

  • My son has an scalded skin syndrome. It means his body fights itself and not the illness people have removed thier child saying hes probably got something now then….. just rember to always let your child know as thwy are growing that strangers opinions do not matter

  • My son has a birthmark on his head. When he was a baby I would have a lot of people ask about it, like you I had rude comments. In the end I was just rude back. People are mean and don’t think about they are saying xx

  • Be the bigger person and just ignore them, how people can be so rude I don’t know, I’d end up saying something!! It’d be a different story if they was treated the same! 😤

  • I have this when my daughter has casts on I used to react but now I’ve learnt to just ignore them if they have any questions they should just ask I also found that adults did it more than children

  • Narrow minded people are horrible, you know your daughter is beautiful that’s the main thing walk with your head held high and be proud to show her off, really true people will look pass the birth make and maybe down syndrome and see her beauty, feck all the rest xx enjoy your baby xx

  • My niece has down syndrome my nephew has dwarfism my grand daughter has autism and my other grand daughter has cerebral palsy love them all so much ….we’ve never encountef ignorance sorry you’ve experienced this

  • I’d have shouted and said downs syndrome isnt contagious its beautiful but bitterness and small mindedness is ugly! I hate people who are like that whether she has downs syndrome or not she’s still a beautiful little girl with her whole life ahead of her

    I know its hard but try ignore the small minded nobs and remember that you’re doing the best you can and are raising your daughter the right way, teaching her that just because someone looks different doesnt mean they should be treated differently xxx

  • Some people are so closed minded. These ppl are not worth the air they breath, don’t waste your time n worry on them Hun!

  • I get it as my lil girl is tube fed.. she has Down syndrome and heart problems

  • My baby girl as a cleft lip n palate I have ad only about three nasty remarks because they r uneducated idiots ignore em I know my baby girl is stunning,!! Xxxxxxx😘😍


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