Hiya. Please can I have a private post. Ok, I’ve been with my fella for nearly …
Hiya. Please can I have a private post.
Ok, I’ve been with my fella for nearly 8 years. Engaged for 2.5 years. We got together when my daughter was 3 months old. He took us both on and he is a great step dad. (Just gunna say, she does know who her biological dad is but unfortunately he isn’t interested.) Anyway… my fella has always said he doesn’t want marriage or his own kids. I have a Nexplanon implant to prevent pregnancy but I’m so bloody broody. The natural progression of a relationship is marriage and kids. I’m not too fussed about the marriage part but the ‘no more babies’ part is slowly killing me. He says he has a child, meaning my daughter and that’s amazing. I mean she loves him so much and he dotes on her he really does …. but I want a baby. I want his baby. I want my daughter to have a sibling. Something I don’t have. My best mate and his gf are pregnant, due very soon and it’s killing me silently. I’m not going to leave him obviously, I knew from the beginning what the deal was but the older my daughter gets the more it hurts. There is no budge in him. Suppose I’m just venting. I just hope when I’m past the child birthing age he doesn’t regret his decision if that makes sense x
Why would he propose if he doesn’t want to get married? & maybe tell him how you feel, you say there’s no budging him but maybe if he knew how you felt about it & how much it would mean to you & your daughter he may change his mind x