Mums Advice

General advice from parent to parent

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Hold Every Hug That Little Bit Longer

Hold Every Hug Just That Little Bit Longer…

Listen to your loved ones just a little bit harder.

Pay more attention to the small stuff, even when the to-do list is long.

Life is short my friend…

Don’t put off every invitation that scares you.

Laugh out loudly and take the high ground whenever you can.

Life is yours for today….

Answer the call and give them your full attention.

Write that note that’s been sitting in your mind unsent but full of love.

Life is moving faster than you know…

Hold that hand and linger with that kiss.

Say goodbyes with meaning and affection before you leave, every time.

Life is so very precious…

Seize the moment, take the chance.

Use the rainy day treasure right now, now is the only guarantee we have.

Life is not forever…

Today is a gift, thats why we call it the present.

Be present,

right now.

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