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I have a pp , I’m due in October and I want to breast feed because I know its th…

I have a pp , I’m due in October and I want to breast feed because I know its the best for my baby, but I’m TERRIFIED because I’ve been reading into it & it says when moms tend to breast feed they feel “Sexually Aroused” or “Turned on” that really freaked me out & made me not want to breast feed anymore I wouldn’t want to feel that way about my own child…. Any advice ?


17 thoughts on “I have a pp , I’m due in October and I want to breast feed because I know its th…

  • Women can feel aroused but it’s the stimulation of the nipples that causes a hormonal reaction, not actually arouse by there child. It’s actually really common but obviously not something women talk about. For me breast feeding was just bloody painful aha xx

  • Feeding a baby brings no sexual joy. It brings a massive mix up of emotions but none sexual as it isnt a sexual act. Your brain can decipher what is going on.

    If you are planning to breastfeed I will tell you… It is painful at first while you both learn, baby cluster feeds at first and during growth spurts which means they feed a lot and also you don’t have milk at first you have colostrum (baby does feed on this) which makes some people worry the babies are hungry but it is normal for them to feed often in the early days. You need to make sure the hospital staff help you with it while you are there and ask anything you need to and ask for breastfeeding support at home. Join a breastfeeding support group because it isn’t easy in the beginning but it does become so easy. It takes determination and support. Good luck with your baby x

  • I am just starting week 8 of feeding my daughter. I can tell you that the feeling of a baby feeding is lovely but not for sexual reasons. Every feed that my daughter latches on for, I feel proud that we got this far and that my child is being fed. Between cracked nipples and leaky boobs it’s far from a sexual experience πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ x

  • I tried BF both of my kids and never experienced this…. if anything it was painful to start with each time (I could only be for 3 weeks then 8 weeks) Definitely not a “possibly” erotic thing!

  • The first 24-48 ypu won’t have any milk..this is completely natural , just a heads up.
    Wish someone had told me as I felt like I was failing my child, turns out it happens every pregnancy, it’s just your bodies way x

  • I read this too but I think you think of your child when feeding… I was unlucky I never ever got any milk so was never able to feed mine… but I don’t think I would of been worried about it… x

  • My nipples are super sensitive to a point I can orgasm through stimulation but when I breastfeed (still doing so now) I don’t have any of those feelings at all, not even in the slightest. When I have sex if my boobs are played with they don’t have any sexual feeling either they just start to fill with milk haha. I breastfed my 1st for 18m then about a year after stopping breastfeeding the feeling of “sexual sensations” came back but when I fell pregnant and I breastfeed my lb who is 6 months almost 7m now there still isn’t any feeling. I always believe breast is best for my children but give it a go and if you feel that uncomfortable then at least you tried. There’s no harm in expressing milk and putting into a bottle either so don’t feel pressured into doing something you don’t want to. Baby being fed is the main focus, nothing else x

  • I have been feeding 2 babies for 2 years now and let me tell yoy there is nothing sexual about this… especially when they’re biting lol
    There is no sexual stimulation whstsoever

  • This is extremely rare. It can happen, but it’s very uncommon. I breastfed for 17 months and never felt anything remotely like this, so don’t let that put you off.

  • Believe me,that’s the last thing u feel πŸ˜‚ it’s more of a “holy shit your killing my nipples” feeling no attention,soon as baby latches there’s no sexual feeling xx

  • Rubbish, breast fed my 3. Not true at all. Don’t believe all you read, especially if you googled it!

  • Honestly, the latching on and having to adjust so baby is comfortable it will be the last thing on your mind. X

  • Not from this mummy that’s for sure. Totally opposite. On my second baby with BF and I have never felt aroused. xx


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