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I’m sorry I don’t normally do this but I need some advice and wether it’s normal…

I’m sorry I don’t normally do this but I need some advice and wether it’s normal but I had my daughter in 2011 I was suppose to of had a normal birth but a week before I was due I had to have a scan as the baby was breech and got told if I wanted her turned she would of been born with a broken arms or legs or both and chances are she could of turned her self back round so I played the save option 5 days before my daughter due date I had a c section witch they stapled me together but some of the staples come out but I couldn’t walk and was in so much pain I couldn’t lean forward had to be pushed in a wheel chair for a couple of days as the pain was really bad but when I did finally get up though it was a massive struggle I just came over all dizzy and there was a big gush like my waters broke but after that I was still in pain but at least I could walk a bit but now the bottom of my stomach is numb I have no feeling there but still get in really bad pains in my hips specially if I get up 2 fast or if I’m on my wrong week but when it’s boiling my scar when I had the c section really dose hurt I no it might sound stupid but I’m scared of getting pregnant again incase the same thing happens


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