Mums Advice

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Just wanting to know what everyone’s feelings would be on people posting picture…

Just wanting to know what everyone’s feelings would be on people posting pictures of your child/children on social media (Facebook, snapchat, instagram etc) when you can’t see them because you’ve been blocked?


7 thoughts on “Just wanting to know what everyone’s feelings would be on people posting picture…

  • Personally I wouldn’t want any pictures of my child on any social media sites whatsoever. Maybe that’s me being overprotective, but I would feel safer that way.

  • Depends who it was. If it was the kids father then no as you 2 would obviously have problems but the kids are his to “show off” too. If it was a ex friend then yes I would have a problem x

  • I’d be fuming if it was on social media but I couldn’t see if, unless obviously it was the child’s father xx

  • If you are blocked how did they get the pics ….If it’s an ex partner and parent to the child not much as they have a right to post pics as you have a right not to….anyone else it’s a hard call especially if they are family to the children

  • I wouldn’t want anyone posting my child pictures if they blocked me. I’d like to see the comments, captions and replies.

  • i dont post any pictures online! personal preference, but would hate it if i knew someone had and i couldnt see them!


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