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My partner of 6 years has left me for another woman. I’m 25 weeks pregnant and w…

My partner of 6 years has left me for another woman. I’m 25 weeks pregnant and we have a 5 year old. It has been going on for months (back to the dates we were trying and found out I was pregnant). We’re both 22 and the woman he’s left me for is 39 which makes it so much harder to understand. I found out 2 weeks ago and he won’t talk me when I try and sort arrangements for our daughter, if I send him updates about midwife appointments etc then he ignores me. I’ve spoke to him on the phone twice and ask him how he could do it to me and he always gets angry and turns it around on me and says I’m stressing him out. I’ve spoke to the girl and she’s just as bad and doesn’t feel guilty in the slightest, in my eyes she’s as bad as him as she knew about me, our daughter and the baby the whole time! He hasn’t seen his daughter in 3 weeks now and all I’ve been doing is trying to sort arrangements, I’ve even said I’m more than happy for my friend to drop her to a soft play centre once a week if you don’t want to see me but nothing. His Facebook cover photo is of him, her and her kids which is devastating. When I spoke to the woman I asked how she imagines the birth will go, because when my daughter was born I had so many complications and solely relied on my partner when I went home from the hospital and they know I have no family around me, her reply was ‘well if he doesn’t want to be at your kids birth he doesn’t have too’ so they’ve obviously discussed that he doesn’t want to be there. I’m so heartbroken and scared about everything, I don’t know how to think or how to approach things and I’m having to put on a brave face for my daughter and go to work and act like everything’s normal until night time when I just break down. I think I’m looking for reassurance and advice and anyone with a similar story who got through it. Thanks for reading xx


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