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Please can I have a private post please.. I’ve been breastfeeding my 3 week old …

Please can I have a private post please.. I’ve been breastfeeding my 3 week old baby and for personal reasons I’ve decided to stop.. how do I go about introducing formula? Do I need to it gradual? X


5 thoughts on “Please can I have a private post please.. I’ve been breastfeeding my 3 week old …

  • It’s not advised to just go cold turkey as it can affect you as in mastitis etc but I did as my baby had to go on special formula but I did express for a few minutes every few hour and then lowered this until I was barely getting anything then stopped and I was fine x

  • I had to stop due to medically reasons, I pumped for an additional 2 weeks, so I combi fed for those 2 weeks & began to cut the pumping down, until I stopped. However my right breast continues to leak for another 2 months, the milk just would not dry up! X

  • If you just stop you could end up getting mastitis I’d say drop a few feeds and replace with formula then gradually drop a few more and so on x

  • I gave my little boy a ounce of expressed and 3 ounces of formula after a week my little boy took straight to formula. I had to stop as I got mastitis and it was too painful as he latched too much. Didn’t even know that was possible Xx


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