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Ppp, basically this guy I was with soon as we got together he checked my phone a…

Ppp, basically this guy I was with soon as we got together he checked my phone and found stuff on my phone he didn’t like cause of everything he went through I kinda lied about things cause I wanted him to feel special but he still checked my phone got angry is it wrong he checked my phone or is it right that he did cause of how he feels and ever since then constant arguements about petty things but one argument we had literally changed me badly to the point where I snapped at little things both done bad things said horrible things. But yet everything has always been my fault with every arguement we’ve had it’s never his and he just makes me feel so low and unconfident makes me feel like a shit mum and not doing my job properly. Everything is literally how he wants things and what he says goes. It’s made me ill, I’m constantly in pain and just want to cry all the time and im constantly miserable. I just want to be happy again, is it my fault or his.. I just want to be my happy self again but I really don’t know how to be.. 😢 xx


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