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Ppp hello ladies I’m after some advice. Basically my husband has a bike for back…

Ppp hello ladies I’m after some advice. Basically my husband has a bike for back and for work and I have a car. He wanted this bike and has moaned for it for as long as we’ve been together. He is however every time the kids are not in school. nagging to take the car. It could be to windy, rainy, icey. It’s starting to get to me as If I say no I spend all day guilty about him being on his bike. However in return I’m confined to the house with all the kids missing out on taking them to places. I warned him to get a car instead of a bike. I told him that if it was snowing than that was his choice and the bike is what he wanted. Feeling annoyed right now. Not sure if I’m over reacting. I just messaged saying I’m stuck in again and my reply was il never drive your car again. Why can’t he just see my point like. Grrr


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