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Ppp. My three year old daughter has just ca ught chicken pox. The spots on her b…

Ppp. My three year old daughter has just ca ught chicken pox. The spots on her body aren’t so bad.. but it’s her genital area that are causing problems. She is almost climbing the walls itching.. she didn’t go to sleep until 4:25 am this morning in absolutely exhausted. I’ve bathed her in luke warm water and some bi carb ( I read this was good for supressing the itch) I’ve pasted her in calomine lotion and I’ve applies e45 itch relief cream to her nappy area and she is still complaining.. there’s not much else I can do. Has anyone got any advice at all its driving me insane and not to mention her.. 😒


25 thoughts on “Ppp. My three year old daughter has just ca ught chicken pox. The spots on her b…

  • Get a pair of tights Pour in porridge oats and tie a knot. The place them in bath full of warm water it’s what I was advised for my lg and it really helped to stop the itch that and aqueous cream with calamine lotion mixed in drs say it’s better than calamine lotion on its own x

  • Cold aloe vera gel whack it in the fridge and it works wonders used it on rmy son he was the same age and was covered from head to toe he also had them in his mouth ears and throat.
    Aloe vera worked wonders and he had a cold flannel on his bits which also helpedxx

  • Piriton is good, you can buy it over the counter. Don’t need a prescription. Also virasoothe is better than calomine lotion. Your gp will only prescribe antibiotics if the spots are infected.

  • Antihistamine suspension. Go and see your gp to get a prescription. It has slight sedative as a side effect. Helps sleep thru itching. We also used calamine cream instead of the lotion that you dab on and leave to dry.

  • Bicarbonate of soda in cool bath water, soak for as long as little one can cope with, do not use soap, towel dry, this helps dry up scabs and reduces inflammation and itching.

  • My daughter has chicken pox she’s smothered every where and so many in her flu like ur child climbing the walls in agony the best thing I found was sudocrem they’ve actually healed better then anywhere else using vira soothe x

  • Her gp will prescribe antibiotics as there in her genital area. They also prescribe if they are very close to the eyes. My son had a very bad case and where in his eyes and my little sister had them in her genitals and both were given antibiotics

  • Antihistamines work great the chemist gave that and eurax cream for when both my boys had it and that seemed to work wonders for the itch x

  • I used virasoothe on my 3 yr old when she had it, it’s fab really helps with the itching and piriton aswell and calpol if she has a temp but NO Nurofen x

  • Piriton Is great and virasoothe from the chemist is the best cream I’ve used. These together took my sons itch away plus he hasn’t got any scars from itching. Xx

  • Hun x if you take her to NHS they will be able to give her something as they gave my daughter when she was younger a numbing gel for her genitals xx

  • Calimine lotion will make her itch more ,I used Eurex cream an my son hardly itches an he had lots spots h op e she’s better soonx

  • Yep piriton….my boy hates any sort of creams applied on his body and wen he got it really bad piriton was our saviour 😊

  • Poxiclin from the pharmacy it’s a soother by moose it smells lovely too

  • I’ve heard not to use the calomine lotion as it dries them out so maybe makes them more itchy but supposedly you can get it in cream form? X

  • Eurax is a good itch cream too but not sure if it can be used in the genital area, piriton too helps itching & makes them sleepy xx

  • Aquias cream mixed with calamine lotion pinged in the microwave for ten seconds πŸ‘ŒπŸΌπŸ‘πŸ»

  • My post. Thanks all. I’ll get some tomorrow. Never imagined chicken pox to be so bloody awful 😦x

  • I covered my lil boy in sudacrem wen he very first caught um put gloves on him for bed they started drying up within few days xx

  • Don’t use calomine lotion, it dries the spots out too quick and makes it’s more itchy. Virasoothe and piriton are the best to use

  • Piriton and stop using calomine made my girls itch more once it dried and loads of bi carb in bath i used 3/4 tub each bath let her soak in bath for a while

  • Stop using calamine it dries them out took quick making them itch more, virasoothe is fantastic and porridge oats in Bath and also Piriton for the itching as well x


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