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Ppp How did people introduce their newborn to their older child? I have a 16 mon…

How did people introduce their newborn to their older child? I have a 16 month old and im due again in 6 weeks. I spend so much time with my daughter now and im nervous of how she is going to react. I dont want it to be a massive shock when I come from the hospital and I need to make sure she doesnt feel left out. Her dad is always at work and we dont have much family around here so its always just us. Im going to get her a present from the baby and a present for her to give the baby but shes still a bit young. Any advice please? Did anyone notice a big change in behaviour? Anything I can do to make it easier? Thank you


16 thoughts on “Ppp How did people introduce their newborn to their older child? I have a 16 mon…

  • Please add. It just makes me so nervous. I dont want her to be upset when she sees him. As ridiculous as it sounds i feel like im betraying her haha πŸ˜­πŸ˜‚ im sure she will make a lovely big sister. Weve had all the dolls out as well. Giving them kisses and hugs and she tells them night night baby and puts them in the pram. Im going to make sure I can plan some days out just the two of us like how it usually is. Thank you x

  • Please add….Even tho I dont think she really gets it. Shes been with me to every appointment and scan. Heard the heartbeat. I let her look through all his clothes and I always mention him. She can say his name and she is always pointing at babies and saying ‘baby’. I just don’t know how she will react to one coming through the front door haha xx

  • I gave birth 3 weeks ago and my son was 19 months. I might be lucky but my son has taken so well to his baby brother. He’s still young himself so I was worried but we just make sure he gets one on one time with both of us. Also when we got home from the hospital I got my eldest to sit on his aunts lap and I placed his brother in his arms. He then kissed him 😩☺️ and helped feed him. I just make sure he’s involved even with nappy change time xx

  • My little one is non verbal & has additional needs, we’ve been advised to make a huge fuss of him when the baby is born and when he comes to hospital to see baby make sure you’re not holding baby, give him a cuddle first then ask if he wants to see baby. When people come and visit let my son introduce them to baby rather than then going straight up to baby. And keep a bag of treats by the front door so if anyone buys anything for baby they can also give something to my son as well x

  • I’m about to tackle this with an almost 2 year old. I’ve tried to prepare her with playing with dollys and telling her there is a baby in my belly. She acts as if she understands and hugs my belly and says baby, but I know it is still going to be a struggle as she is so all about Mum πŸ˜‚ good luck!

  • I was the same a you it was always just me and my daughter as my husband was always working, and she was 2 when I’m second was born, we told her that she was getting a baby but she didn’t really understand but when she came up to the hospital to meet her wee sister I was in the middle of feeding the baby and she total flipped out and didn’t like her πŸ˜‚ but I really think it was because I was holding her when she first walk in as now my wee baby girl is 11 weeks and her big sister total adores her ! So I would try not to be holding the baby when the first meet lol and I was always told to make more of a fuss over the oldest to help them adjust better as baby is to young to know xxx

  • I had my husband bring my son to the hospital to meet his brother and then we all got in the car together to go home so he understood that the baby was coming home with us. My eldest was 2 at the time. I didn’t want to just take the baby home to him out of no where x

  • I had a 15month old and newborn at one point, my little boy was weary when i brought my newborn home. Tried pulling her out the moses basket too! Lol

  • I got my son 2&1/2 at the time to help me with baby things when it was getting done (partner works ) putting clothes away so he was involved and not getting left out , when we went shopping he was basically putting baby things ( washed etc ) in the trolley as he couldn’t wait since we was getting him to help us he loved it ! We thought he would be a bit jealous but he wasn’t one bit all he wanted to do was help , when changing our youngest son all he wanted to do was help out and get the nappy wipes n cream etc , we got our eldest a toy from the youngest and he loved it πŸ™‚ I think just as long as their involved and not left out their okay about it all xx

  • My son is 5 and my daughter is 8 months this month, I was worried that my son would feel left out especially because he’s older and definitely understands, so he came to every scan, every midwife app (he was 4 at the time) so he didn’t go to school but I gave birth when he started. He came and saw his little sister the day I gave birth and he warmed to her so quickly. I think I involved him in it and he understood he was having a sister & I always reminded him. Now I’m 28 weeks tomorrow & he’s been to scans when he’s not been at school and he knows that he’s got another baby sister joining to family! He’s over the moon & cuddles and kisses my tummy saying he loves his sister and his born sister loads. I’m not sure how it would work with your girl being so young, that she won’t understand but as she grows she will get used to another baby around x

  • get her a little gird to off the baby and put it in the hospital bang so when she come see to visit you in hospital tell her the baby hotbed her a present and also nice if people come to visit u they bring her a little something’s aswel as baby and make a fuss of her. let her help u with job s looking afternoon the baby so she feels she’s being a big help xx

  • Following aswel πŸ˜‚. I have a 17 month old and due in 3 weeks I’m so nervous.. a nurse told me to put the baby in its bed and take your child to meet the baby instead of taking the baby to meet your daughter if that makes sense πŸ˜‚ xx

  • F. My youngest daughters has just turned 18months and I’m not sure if she’s ready 2 be a big sister x

  • I would suggest presents from baby to your daughter and daughter to baby and just get her involved with it all.. so asking her to get the nappy and stuff.. and also make time for her still.. so when baby sleeps sit down with her and do a painting or something so that she still has mummy time on her own with you!xxx


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