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Ppp No digs please, just need some advice and sorry for long post! My oh (of 6 y…

No digs please, just need some advice and sorry for long post!
My oh (of 6 year) and his mum have really pissed me off and upset me this weekend as they both do every other weekend. I arranged in the week for my oh to have our lb (aged 1) so i could take our lg (aged 4) to the opticians. All was ok he was fine with that even said the night before (Friday) “dont forget youve got lado tomorrow” his reply “yeah, fine, ok”. Waking up the next morning (Saturday) he then told me no i cant have lado now as im taking his eldest daughter (aged 10) (my step daughter) to a play centre with her mate and then also lied to our lg about where he was going, and then today his mum took my step daughter and her friend only out for dinner again not telling our kids. (Just want to stress me and my step daughter have an amazing relationship before anyone says ote about that). So all weekend our kids have not seen their sister and been lied to too (as sd stopped at oh mums all weekend cause sd brought her mate with her) So lb been dumped last min by daddy and daddys not spend no quality time at all with our children all weekend.
I might just add the weekends sd is not here the oh works. We planned (last week) to go out for the day today but thats all changed now too! 😞 So our lg was asking “when are we going out?” Something happens evey other week when my sd is here (or oh mums) and oh lets it happen…and after 4 year (since our lg was born) you’d think it would get easier but it doesnt, the list is endless of what happens dont even get me started where it all really began on our lg 1st birthday!
Should i be pissed off or am i over reacting? Even oh best mate says its favouritism! (I did think that was a bit harsh tbh) This situation is splitting us up because if i say anything to oh about my sd, his mum and this situation I get shouted/moaned at and oh always turns it around on me….this weekend i/our kids have done nothing wrong but yet im in the dog house for saying something about it and im getting a little pissed off about it now and its going to start effecting our kids and thats the final nail in the coffin….gggrrrr xx


2 thoughts on “Ppp No digs please, just need some advice and sorry for long post! My oh (of 6 y…

  • He should have taken your son. Taking his daughter and her friend, what’s one more..he could have played too. Especially when you’d arranged it that way to avoid having to take a toddler to an appointment (my most dreaded errand 😂) do you think possibly your MIL is overcompensating with your step daughter for her having a seperated family? If so you can understand that but your kids shouldn’t be left out all the time, them going out for dinner wouldn’t bother me though, probably just wanted to take older ones. Your other half is the issue in this scenario though, if he works a lot and doesn’t see kids all week then the time he’s off he should be spending with all his kids! Xx

  • Firstly I would be telling him that if he is going to lie to our children take his sorry excuse of a man out of your house. He’s not a father to those kids. Fathers don’t lie like that when there is no good reason too. Why could he not have included your little boy in the day out with his step sister. I think his friend is right. You need to think of your kids. Your daughter will be slowly realising that he says one thing and does the other they are very good at that age. Children don’t need that there innocent and need people around them who want to be there. I think you know what your wanting to do. Good luck


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