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Private post please️. So I need some advice. My fiancé went out last night with …

Private post please☺️. So I need some advice. My fiancé went out last night with a couple of his friends and they claimed they only went to a miners club just down road from were his friend stays. So they had went out, and it got to 2, so I text fiancé to see if he had got home yet (as that miners club shuts at 1am). We usually text each other just to make sure we are home. So it sent over iMessage and it claimed his phone was off, so I left it thinking, he’s probably just fell asleep and his phone died. So I’ve went to sleep, got up this morning at 9 and he still hadn’t text and phone was still off. So I just left it. He text me at 11:30 saying ” sorry babe, didn’t have signal and we were just walking the streets all night”. Now I don’t know if I’m being paranoid but I have the worst gut instinct about it. How couldn’t he get signal all night? Especially if he was walking around… am I being mad or? thanks guys🙂


13 thoughts on “Private post please️. So I need some advice. My fiancé went out last night with …

  • Can you reply to my post please. Thank guys, I knew something was right just not sure what to do or how to go about it? I really do love him and he has a way of pushing anything he does wrong to the side. Thank you x

  • now I’m one for talking but hack into his shit and find out what really went on noone walks the streets unless they are a 15 year old hyped up on lambrini or md 20/20 or whatever the kids are drinking these days! that has to be the worst load of bullshit I have ever heard tho like damn he should’ve asked for help before sending that one but then again in my experience stupidity is usually caused by guilt. I’m sorry he has been a dick but you are worth more than that xx

  • You need to go detective on his arse! Is he home now? Cos if he’s not this is one of them examples where the new snap chat update would come in handy 😂 you could see exactly where he was and when

  • What did u text back? Man that’s the worst lie I’ve ever heard😂 should just say oh you’re mate said u was at his all night then see what he says x

  • How old is he 15 walked the streets all night sorry but 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 that is the best bit off bs I heard in a long time and he didn’t text u till 11.30 next day come on he is talking shit

  • What confused me is he was walking the streets all night but didn’t have a signal? 😂🙋


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