Private post please.. I have a midwife appointment next week when I’ll be 36+6,…
Private post please..
I have a midwife appointment next week when I’ll be 36+6, anyone know if the midwife will give me a sweep if I ask for one? Or when the earliest I can have one?
Not unless there is a medical reason they only do sweeps in a non high risk pregnancy at 40-41 weeks I had sweeps at 37 weeks because I was due to be induced as I had reduced movements one went ahead other one sweep made my boy come day after haha
You’ll prob get one around 40 weeks as that’s when you’re full-term unless you have a medical reason for one sooner.
They won’t give you a sweep until 40+ weeks. Baby will come when it wants too sweeps arnt %100 work either x
No sweetie it’ll be too early. They are very reluctant to push things. Letting things come natural x