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Private post please Just a question of people’s views on giving older children …

Private post please

Just a question of people’s views on giving older children expressed breast milk, I’m due a baby any day now and unlike my other children I’m planning to breast feed. Due to my eldest having persistent health issues and vitamin deficiencies I have thought about regularly giving her a cup of expressed breast milk, would this be wrong? She is 6 and I wouldn’t plan on telling her either that it wasn’t her normal milk


14 thoughts on “Private post please Just a question of people’s views on giving older children …

  • Please privately comment on my post please

    The reason I wouldn’t tell her is due to the fact that I know that if she knew where it had come from she wouldn’t touch it, and explaining the health benefits to a 6 year old isn’t going to matter she would just instantly say no, she is already on a cows milk with additional extras to help her deficiencies but I just feel like breast milk would be more beneficial, I can’t help but feel like the reason she has all these problems is down to the fact I didn’t breast feed her

  • Don’t have to tell her it’s breast milk but she’ll probably taste the difference. To say it’s wrong, is wrong. Do you give your child a glass of milk and say “this is cows milk” or “this is goats milk” ? I highly doubt it. So giving a child breast milk instead of ‘normal’ milk isn’t going to make a difference. Anyway, she’ll probably ask why it tastes funny so you’d probably have to tell her it’s different milk but I can’t see any harm in giving her it.

  • You could always do half and half. I’ve seen other mummies do it 😊 that way she wouldn’t necessarily notice the difference but would be getting all the goodness she needs as well. I can’t see anything wrong with it! Xx

  • I wouldn’t say it was wrong no. Children used to be breastfed till at least 7. If she has it in a cup then what does it matter you do what you think is best for your daughter x

  • You could make a smoothie or milkshake with it. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with trying to aid your daughter’s health.

  • Christ how many times to parents lie about what that thing really is in their kids food … just to get Them to eat veggies etc.
    My son used to hate chicken. Till I told him it’s not chicken. Now he loves it !! In the end he figured it out but still knew he liked it.
    You carry on. Xx

  • It’s not wrong !!! It’s frikken milk designed for that purpose !! Great idea. My three year old who was breast fed has already said he wants boobie milk in a cup when baby comes 😂 you can also make ice lollies etc with it. X

  • It’s wrong, Just for the fact you aren’t telling her what it is, would you do that to your Husband or Partner?, If she is 6, She can make her own mind up.

  • I don’t think so if it’s in a cup but if it was me I would say it’s “special milk” ect xx

  • I don’t see a problem AT ALL, but if was my child I would tell her what she’s drinking 🙂 x

  • Maby add to cakes ect insteaad of giving in a glass you can get recipies online babe xx


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