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PRIVATE POST PLS- AT MY WITS END!! 3 months ago my premature baby 12 weeks (4 c…


AT MY WITS END!! 3 months ago my premature baby 12 weeks (4 corrected) went for a routine hip scan where they saw a bruise on her face they asled what happened and her dad told them he accidently dropped a bottle amd it scuffed her cheek. Any how the hospital rang social seevicea and they came out they left amd said everything was fine.. 2 days laater (momday auguast 21) a child protection police officer phpned me aaking if I believed what my partner has said and of course I did I had no reaaon to doubt him when it happened my partner had our baby down at his families 100miles away. Anywau they asked us to take her for an examination which I agrees id always taken my daughter to her appointments her immunisations were up to date and also my HV visted weekly to weigh my baby naked (EVERY WEEK) due to her prematurity. Anywaus my daughter got xrays and blood tests and the dr came back to tell me she had a fractured arm. I was shocked my life fell apart that day. Skip 3months forward.. my daughter is still in fostercare she has apparently 7 fractures all consistent with where her bloods were taken fot suspected meninjitis. Yet they are lookimg for someone to blame. The police have never spoke to me or my partner were classed as suspects but weve never been spoke to ive never hurt my child and my hv visted weekly there was never bruising due to these fractures juat the fractures themselfs the doctora health vistior everyone never noticed any disformaloty and there saying all my babys bloods are fine. In desperate to have my baby home ive been robbed of her newborn weeks and im now miasing her grow up. How do I prove mu innocemce we havent even had a grounds hearing because the police have no evidence on us and because they have no evidence there deleying everything its like they wont accept the fact ive done nothing wrong. Has anyone every gone through this that can maybe shed some light? Ty


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