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Sorry but I have to send this before I go mad please can you keep it private. So…

Sorry but I have to send this before I go mad please can you keep it private. So a few weeks ago my other half was away on a night out I’m 26 weeks pregnant he always goes out on a Friday or Saturday night anyway few weeks ago after a night out his phone rang he was sleeping so I went to see who it was and seen messages on his phone from this girl who also has a boyfriend sayin I wish I was with you instead of him. My boyfriend then snatched phone off me we had a big row and he left to go home to his own house, we don’t live together anyway he was texting me for days sayin I can’t believe you think I would cheat on you etc etc he came back a week later and I said to him please don’t lie to me I’d rather you jus tell me you don’t love me anymore and he says he wasn’t lieing and he loved me and all so I told him to delete the girls number off his phone anyway she’s still on his Facebook and she wrote under pics of him and our son sayin class pics xx and I feel like I’m seriously loosing my mind as I jus think there is something goin on. I’ve felt so stressed about it and I feel like messaging the girl but jus think it will cause more rows I jus don’t no what to do anymore we have 1 son and another baby on the way and I jus can’t handle all this πŸ˜“πŸ˜“


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