Mums Advice

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This Is What The Flu Can Do- Please Stay At Home If You’re Ill

These last few days have been a blur. This little man has been put through ringer…but tonight he is finally resting.

Saturday: snotty nose, low-grade fever and I noticed he had a molar coming through. So I just assumed it was from the tooth.

Sunday: decreased energy level, high fever and coughing

Monday: lethargic, deeper cough, high fever that wouldn’t break.

We started this journey with our son Jase’s pediatrician how instantly saw a very tired little boy. Jase was admitted Monday afternoon and started on IV fluids, breathing treatments and tamiflu.

Tuesday morning I saw my little boy interested in his surroundings. But within a few hours it all changed…and for what we thought was the worse. Jase started to vomit but it was different…he couldn’t bring everything up. The cough progressed…he became very lethargic again and now his breathing started to decline. Without hesitation we elected to transport Jase to Munson where he would have a better chance of recovering.

Tuesday afternoon Jase took his 2nd ride in an ambulance within minutes of being seen by the next doctor she ordered chest rads and additional blood work.

Hours later this little boy was fading. His oxygen sateration was declining. He needed 100% flow to keep his saturation in the mid 80’s.

After observing him and making adjustment in his meds the doctor started to see him decline…he was really struggling to move air on his own. He started to become very mad when we touched him…he would cry out is shear pain.

Wednesday morning within minutes of getting the bloodwork back at 4:00 am a AreoMed chopper was ordered and our baby boy would be airlifted to DeVos. At this point he was not critical but we didn’t want to wait any longer.

By the time Ryan and I made it to DeVos Jase was put on a bypass machine to help move oxygen. Jase had now been on a continuous albuterol treatment and multiple doses of steriods. Needless to say he was being very hard to handle. He was upset with the mask he needed to wear. He was crying because he wanted water. He would panic for no reason. After talking to the doctors we elected to give Jase a small sedative to help him relax. All the medications were making him upset…but these medications were needed in his recovery.

We watching him struggle, panic, cry, scream, hit and the numbers continued to decline.

So where are we now???

Jase has been intubated and he is now on a ventilator we have many unknowns ahead but this is going to help him rest, help his lung repair the damage and get him back to his cheerful, full of energy self. His little body is so tired and can’t fight the nasty flu virus let along the infection in his lungs.

Today is a new day but another day of unknowns


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