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Bizarre Pregnancy Cravings

Bizarre Pregnancy Cravings
Most people get cravings whilst pregnant, but some are a little more out their than others…
We asked our members over at our Mums Advice Facebook Page some of their craziest pregnancy cravings and WOW, you guys did not disappoint!
These are our TOP TEN favourites:
1) Mine was new carpet smell! I would go around carpet shops pretending I wanted a new carpet just to stand sniff the shop, I would buy samples to sit at home and smell or get free ones πŸ˜‚ I was a crazed woman! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
2) Mine was chewing on flannels. Kept this secret from the other half the whole pregnancy until I was in labour and the craving was hugely strong couldn’t fight it anymore so confessed and sucked on my flannel in the bath in front of him. He then said i wondered why u have been buying so many flannels lol
3) Strong smells! Petrol…love going getting petrol! White spirits, Brasso, nail varnish, Tipex…thought it was odd that I hadn’t had any weird cravings, then the craving for these smells started a week or two ago! Can’t get enough of the smells! πŸ˜‚
4) Obsessed with ice, but not just any old ice, it had to be subway ice! The texture was diff to me haha ! Also loved chewing sponges πŸ˜„
5) Lenor strawberry and lily fabric conditioner!! I never acted on it but I used to stand by the washing machine while it was on πŸ™„ I wanted to drink it and bath in it… do smell lush tho πŸ˜‚
6) Mine was tomatoes with the top off and dipping 2 fingered kit kats in and scooping out the insides. Trying to save myself some cash, i bought a box of tomatoes from my fruit and veg stand, the big boxes that loose tomatoes come in and got him to put them in 2 bags, then carried them half a mile home. I was 34 weeks and the bag was so heavy i thought i was going to go into labour there and then lol, but they were dirt cheap and i had my tomatoes so i was happy.
7) Mine was toilet roll & ice cold water I would go to the toilet & just seeing the toilet roll would make my mouth water I actually had to give in & chew it near the end of my pregnancy & I had to have a cold glass of water in the bath with me cause the bath water would make me thirsty haha so would the smell of chlorine I used to put about 5 bottles of water in my freezer a day & had to have one down the side of my bed at night would sit there eating a bowl of ice too xox
😎 Sand πŸ™ˆ with both my two, a lot more in my second pregnancy tho. I’d go sit on the beach running my fingers throw it no matter what the weather. I have always love the sand and beaches but wanting to eat it was weird πŸ˜‚
9) Mars bar with beef crisps together … Then with my first daughter I ate about 15/20 packets of polo’s a day… And for 2 years after her birth too …. Ended up having 4 back teeth out 😞
10) With my second child it was rubber I also ate candle wax too and chewing gum but I only enjoyed it for when flavour had gone.
What are some of your strangest pregnancy cravings?
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