Mums Advice

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4 thoughts on “Can I have a pp plz I’ve been getting this for 2 weeks anyone know what is causi…

  • Can you reply to the post plz I’ve done about 12 pregnancy tests and all came back negative but have had sore breasts I got my periods 2 weeks ago for 2 days but only when I wiped

  • Realistically bleeding old blood for two weeks isn’t normal if you are on no medication, healthy and not pregnant. Problem is it could be normal depending on what medications you take, contraception you have, if you are pregnant or not, if you have recently given birth… It can also be abnormal in some pregnancies (I experienced this type of bleeding in two pregnancies, one resulted in a healthy baby… The other a missed miscarriage)… You either need to give more information or contact a medical professional if you see fit.


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