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Can i have a ppp. So iv wrote in before about my boyfriend and sister being extr…

Can i have a ppp. So iv wrote in before about my boyfriend and sister being extremley close and she goes everywhere and does everything with us. Shes moving to america soon so her being with us has being A LOTworse! Now i like her but sometimes i want time alone with him. Its my birthday wednesday and hes flying off over to see hes nan in england on my birthday for a week. So i asked him is it ok if we have this weekend alone for my birthday and because i wont be seen him next week . Hes response was ya we can but just the saturday and he got pure narky. So i finished it with him. This was the only weekend we could have done anything because the following weekend he will be in london visiting hes nan the weekend after that its hes sisters going away party and the weekend after that shes flying out to move away . Was i in the wrong or have i done the right thing?


3 thoughts on “Can i have a ppp. So iv wrote in before about my boyfriend and sister being extr…

  • Sorry but I do think you’re in the wrong. There’s nothing wrong with having an amazing bond with a sibling and if this was a sister and sister, there’d be no problem. She’s moving away, to a country hundreds upon hundreds of miles away. You have a birthday once a year. After this, he may not be able to see his own flesh and blood for a very long time. He offered to spend the Saturday with you, that should’ve been enough considering circumstances.

  • He’s very selfish is he in a relationship with you or his sister it’s weird


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