Can I have a ppp? Today we were evacuated from our house due to a possible gas…
Can I have a ppp?
Today we were evacuated from our house due to a possible gas explosion. Me my toddler and obviously I had to take the dog,
We were out for over 2 hours and I’d only taken keys, the pram, water for my son and some food for him. Police officers were at the door telling me I need to get out.
I called my mum and my mum and brother wouldn’t let me go to theres or come pick me up cos I had the dog with me.
I’m heavily pregnant, plus have a hot and bothered child in a pram….
Apparently I should have left the dog at home…..becuase that’s how much they care about a living, breathing being…..
Yet I’m supposed to apologise…. Becuase I told them to basically f themselves when they called later to check how I was “getting on”.
Even after this, they were telling me I should have left the dog at home, they’d never do anything “for the dog” and that “it must be your hormones, that’s why you don’t understand”
Am I being dumb? Hormonal? Or what? Could they not understand that they wouldn’t be doing it for the dog but for me and my child?
They’re always letting me down with childcare arrangements to do stuff for others.
If you asked anyone they’d tell you how lovely my mum is, but that’s only to others. She’s always letting me down but works hard at keeping up appearances otherwise.
I’d do it for a stranger.
Sorry very rambly and ranty! Not even sure it makes sense properly.