Can I have a ppp My dad died suddenly 11 weeks ago. I’m still a bit of a mess. M…
Can I have a ppp
My dad died suddenly 11 weeks ago. I’m still a bit of a mess. My partner has been told his grandad who very very old has days to live. He seems okay. We knew it was coming due to age.
I just need advice on how to help him. I’m struggling loads and my own experience is still so raw. I feel so selfish. It’s not all about me and I know that so I need advice on how do I put my feeling about my dad on the Blackburner, whilst this whole experience is bringing it all back for me. I don’t want to come across selfish to him and his family but it’s hard to jusy switch emotions off
Don’t put your own feelings on the back burner, someone else’s misfortune doesn’t make yours any less real and agonising. I’m so sorry about you losing your dad. All you can do is be there for your partner, listen to him, tell him it’s okay to cry. Let him lie in bed and cry it out, give him space if that’s what he wants but still let him know that you are there for him. Give him random cuddles, make him cuppas. But also take care of yourself, your grief is still so so raw. You can both grieve together, as partners, as best friends.
I was very very close to my papa, and even now after almost 3 years I cry at least once a week, I talk to him and write letters to him. When he first died I just lay in my bed the whole day, my partner at the time looked after the kids and offered an ear every 30 minutes but I just couldn’t find the words to describe my grief.
You sound like an amazing partner for wanting to help him so much, and are willing to put your own feelings aside, but please remember you are not a robot. It will be hard but you will get through it x