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Could I have a post please. I am absolutely fuming!! So I’m sat in the play area…

Could I have a post please. I am absolutely fuming!! So I’m sat in the play area with my kids (2&3) there’s a few older kids here that my 3 year old boy was playing with, they started punching him and jumping on him so I just picked my son up and told him to play with his sister instead and he did but then the boys started following him around again pushing him Ivey and jumping on him so again I picked him up and told him to play in a different area which he did. The boys then followed him and did it again so he pushed one boy back who started crying and went running to his dad who had seen what his sons were doing to my boy he then came over screaming at me that my son had pushed his to which I replied you never mentioned anything when your son was hitting mine anyway now I feel like I should take my kids and leave but at the same time I don’t want to punish them for something they haven’t done. What would you guys do? I really need some advice. Thanks


25 thoughts on “Could I have a post please. I am absolutely fuming!! So I’m sat in the play area…

  • Stay there and let your children have fun go and tell a member of staff also and if he approaches you again tell him you’ll be calling the police!
    I’ve had this twice before myself don’t leave because of him and his kids.
    I’ve told my son anyone hurts you or bullies you come tell me ill then watch and observe and if they do it again I’ve told him to do it back!
    Your not a bad parent I think you’ve handled the situation very well there. Go tell a member of staff and explain you don’t condone any type of bullying!xx

  • I would be absolutely fuming, well done for keeping your cool. I’m not usually one for saying something to a child but I would have told them to back off and leave my kid alone 😠 As for the dad, he’d be getting a right earful from me!!

  • Can I just say good for your boy sticking up for himself in the end I think that shows he has been bought up well, he didn’t retaliate straight away and did what you said and then when they kept doing it he stuck up for himself, I absolutely hate bullies regardless of age, and well done to you for acting the way you did I would stay there you and your children have done nothing wrong. I dread to think how them other kids will be like when there older x

  • Good on your wee man for sticking up for himself!! I cant stand a bully. No dont leave for anyone. Ive always told my girls and my nephews ‘if anyone hits you, you hit them back 10x times harder but never make the first hit or you’ll face the concequences’.. never done me no harm doing it when i was young x

  • Complain to the staff so hey can keep eye on them aswell. Well done for keeping cool. Older child done this to my kid years ago she was on top of her trying to punch her. Needless to say I never kept cool ended up grabbing the other child off mine and told her off (proves no1 wantches their kids as not one person came over to their child). It’s a shame but most parents go to soft play and don’t watch the kids they play on phones drink coffee chat to friends. X

  • I would of said something g the first time politely not to push my son then would of gone to there dad and if he didn’t do anything then I would of kicked off lol protective over my little monkey haha xxxx

  • I would off said something to the little brats that hurt my child to start with then would off gone over to who ever the parent was and told them to sort their kid out! Can’t stand bratty kids that go around bullying others then cry when it’s done back to them because they don’t like it. Disgusting in my opinion

  • I would have did the same to those boys!! His dad sat right there and only said something when you little boy tried to defend himself!! What nonesense! I would be pissed!!

  • Stay of tell the dad to fuck off cheeky twat can’t stand these parents that go to play centres sit on their arses lets their kids run wild don’t give two flying ducks let their kids do what they want but as soon as their kids gets a taste of it’s own medicine all he’ll breaks loose

  • I’d be telling the dad to sort his fucking kids out! 😀 can’t stand parents like that! He should be telling his kids otherwise they are going to think it’s ok to hurt other people

  • Stay there, let ur children play! As for the father of the other child tell him if his child thinks he can bully other children then not to be surprised when one retaliates x

  • I would probably would he told the kids off in the first place. If that didn’t work and the dad came screaming at me, maybe ( most probably) would have punched him!

  • No don’t leave Hun stand your ground and give him a few home truths about his son your son is 3 and his son is older from what you’ve said ? He needs to get a grip ! X

  • I hate kids like this i despise other peoples children 🀣 id push the little toerags down the slide head first if i ever caught anyone hitting my somπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  • I’ve had kids gang up on my son kept hitting him and laughing when he started crying then carried on hitting him and I told them straight “what do you think your doing you think that’s funny do you hurting my little boy how would you like it now get out my sight before I tell your mummy exactly what you been doing!” Then gave them a dirty look they never went near him again serve them right

  • I had this where my LG was pulled to the ground face first at 1 years old but a boy a lot older. I certainly didn’t keep my cool but I started on the dad as the mum wouldn’t even come over. Her friends on the other hand came over and asked if my LG was ok and saying sorry but the mum couldn’t.

  • Well done for not erupting at him. I have a shirt tenoer so he would have been floored. And good for you for sticking up for your kids.

  • Take a video and if they start again make a complaint about his kids and tell him you have proof they are bullies πŸ‘

  • I didn’t like you when you tried to set my bathroom on fire like lol x

  • Idve gone down to their level with a smile and said touch my child one more time and I will kill your mum and dad 😊

  • I wouldn’t be going anywhere stay let the kids play I’d be saying if that child hits you again hit him bk

  • Well done for staying so calm! Personally I wouldn’t of and would of gone over and drop kicked the little shits!!xx


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