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Could i have a ppp If a court order was put in place 2 years ago that my broth…

Could i have a ppp

If a court order was put in place 2 years ago that my brother and sister had to see their dad last weekend of the month friday – sunday and half the school holidays BUT in feburary half term the children went and stayed for the whole week so they didnt have to go these holidays this was agreed by letter between mother and father ..
BUT yesterday my 12 year old little sister refused to go with him he tried ans my mum tried but she comoletely refused , he even tried dragging her and she punched him in the face (she says it was self defence lol) but he still took my brother whos 10 , my mum said she would pick my brother up on sunday as planned , but today hes phoned and said she isnt allowed to get him till tuesday can he do this? And with his track record its nit guarenteed he will hand him over on tuesday as he has taken the kids many times before hence the court order.. Obviously as its bank holiday its difficult to get in touch with a solicitor and as mother lives in wales and he lives in england social services arent much help either


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