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Could I have a private post please. Does anyone feel like their families doesn…

Could I have a private post please.

Does anyone feel like their families doesn’t give a crap about their child?

I have a stepson, his mum walked out on him when he was a baby so he has lived with his dad. He has no contact with his mum’s family but I also feel his dad side also wants nothing to do with him.

Him and all his cousins go to the same school and when he won an award his nan never went up to watch him present it but his cousin has received the same award and they are all there.
I just feel so bad that today he has to watch his nan be there for his cousin but she wasn’t there for him.


One thought on “Could I have a private post please. Does anyone feel like their families doesn…

  • That’s awful Poor boy but way to look at it is there missing out on being a part of his life and you are there for him as long as your there to support him sod them as he grows older he will realise and not want nothing to do with them anyway just try to explain to him they was probably busy that day so they couldn’t come I’d also talk to them about it say you feel he’s being left out then at least you no where he stands sorry it’s making you feel crap there is some selfish people in this world least your not one of them x


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