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Hi! Ppp Was wondering how long people bled after getting Mirena or another iud…

Hi! Ppp 🙂

Was wondering how long people bled after getting Mirena or another iud… I got mine put in last week when I was almost done my period…. I’ve heard horror stories of people bleeding for MONTHS but hope it stops soon as I bled almost 3 months straight after having my daughter I’m so tired of bleeding


2 thoughts on “Hi! Ppp Was wondering how long people bled after getting Mirena or another iud…

  • I had to have one put in because I’m on blood thinners because of my heart surgery. I bled like normal for a few months after it was inserted. Now I’m having little to spotting. It took a few months to get to the way I am now.

  • I got mine merina put in on the 29th of Nov 2016 and I’m still bleeding. Passing heavy bleeding and having very painful cramps. Made an appointment to finally give up and get it removed this week. ☹ 8 months 😢


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