Ppp hi had midwife today I’m 38 weeks 5 days and I’m measuring at 31 weeks so ha…
Ppp hi had midwife today I’m 38 weeks 5 days and I’m measuring at 31 weeks so have a growth scan tomorrow and if measuring small she said they will induce me has this happened to anyone x
I was 39 +1 weeks and was only measuring at 31 weeks they brought me in and inserted a tampon like thing into me for 24 hours how they could break my waters the next morning my son is now 9 weeks old born 5.8 and he’s a very sick baby now
I was 37 weeks and my lo was measuring about a month behind because she wasn’t growing. You’ll probably had another scan in a week or two to see how baby’s growing. My lo hadn’t grown at all in the space of a week when I had my scan at 38 weeks so got induced the next day x
Baby could just be lying funny. Could be back to back my daughter was they said she was small but was born about a week later 8lb 6
Yes they induced me as they thought baby had stopped growing but she was born 7lb 3oz try not to worry x
Yeah happened to me at 36+6 and she was born the next day at 37 weeks x
I was induced with my 3rd as she was on small side and she was only 5lb 11oz
I was induced because of this with my first and secound they both weighed alot more than the docs said they would xxx
I was 39 weeks and measuring 29 baby was 6lbs 4 x