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Ppp. I’m 35 weeks Monday and going in for a c-sec at 39 weeks how long do I have…

Ppp. I’m 35 weeks Monday and going in for a c-sec at 39 weeks how long do I have to stay in hospital for as this will be my second c-sec and when will they get me walking after I’ve had it done x


4 thoughts on “Ppp. I’m 35 weeks Monday and going in for a c-sec at 39 weeks how long do I have…

  • They got me up walking as soon as the spinal wore off. I had my section at 12:40pm, was on my feet by about 5pm, was allowed visitors at 6pm, then left hospital the following lunchtime. This was with my second too x

  • They’ll have you up and walking as soon as spinal has worn off. If everything is alright with you and baby then there’s no reason why you can’t go home the next day x

  • No problems you be in for two nights, have you up and walking after 12 hours. You will have a catheter fitter ect. So you won’t have that to worry about. X

  • Just had my second section 3 weeks ago. Had me up and walkin the next morning. And tried to discharge me that same day so just over 24 hours after surgery. I didnt feel well enough though so i stayed another night x


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