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PPP me and my partner have been together for over 5 years now we have two babies…

PPP me and my partner have been together for over 5 years now we have two babies together and live together we’re such a happy family and our kids are amazing both have strong family values but we both agree that as a couple without the kids there just not much there even too the point that maybe the love has gone. It’s heartbreaking and we both done know what to do! We want to try and work on the relationship but no idea where to start do any mums have any idea? Thank you x


3 thoughts on “PPP me and my partner have been together for over 5 years now we have two babies…

  • no sweetie, the love hasnt gone. Its just burried under the pile of life stuff you have at the moment. Its so so hard, kids can make us feel exhausted and we have nothing left for each other. Honestly dont stress too much about it at the moment, try to be matter a fact about it all. And try if you can to plan some time to be together, even if it just a walk or something at home when the kids are in bed.

  • Have some couple time, date nights, make actual time to chat ect. I know personally I can go weeks without even kissing my husband we get so lost in routine and work x

  • Wen use don’t have the kids go on dates do the fun things use done before use had kids x


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